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Are Paid Patterns Worth It?

There are so many patterns available online for free. Pinterest is full of them. As is Ravelry and many blogs, and really wherever else patterns are available. However, there are also just as many for cost patterns available. Whether you are new or seasoned, there are great reasons for why you should pay for patterns. 



I get it. With so many patterns available for free, why would you want to pay for a pattern? Do they offer something different than a free pattern? Are paid patterns worth it?




Developed Over Months, and Sometimes Years


Designers spend months and sometimes years developing patterns. It is a labour of love to create something that has not existed before. Designers will craft their patterns, making changes and adjustments until they get the perfect outcome. With an idea in mind, there is always a rough draft and a final copy, including many notes and modifications along the way. 

Paid Patterns Are Tested


Once a designer is happy with their pattern, it will undergo a thorough testing phase. A variety of individuals will receive the pattern in order to work their hands, needles and hooks trying to replicate the final outcome. Notes are taken at every phase, documenting every discrepancy or hardship with the pattern as written. 


The designer receives all feedback both good and bad. From there, they review and make further adjustments to their pattern. The testing phase allows the ability to finalize and tweak any issues that may not serve the best interest of the final product. Whether the testers found it easy to follow, or had confusion along the way; any hiccups or inaccurate calculations; all fit and sizing issues all have the final once-over. 


Having testers is the perfect opportunity to have a fresh set of eyes for evaluation. It helps ensure nothing is missed in the design process. 



Paid Patterns Support Small Businesses


Behind every pattern is a person who designed it. When you purchase a paid pattern, you are supporting that person to be able to continue their livelihood and further their career rooted in their passion. 


Paid patterns do not often cost much in terms of price. But, to the designer, it is valued at so much more. Whether you are helping a young college student afford books or a parent to provide meals for their family, supporting a small business holds greater value. 



Help is Available


So, an item has been designed, tested and the pattern released for sale. What happens when it still does not make sense to you or you have challenges along the way? Well, most designers are willing and make themselves available to provide help or assistance along the way for their patterns. Of course, this depends on what type of help. For example, if you are looking to use a much different gauge of yarn than what is recommended, it is not an easy fix and not something that a designer would help with. This is because it would require a full rewrite of the pattern. 


But, if you are stuck, or not quite getting the right idea with the pattern they can step in and offer advice or walk you through where you are having difficulty.


What do you think – are paid patterns worth it? Let’s talk in the comments

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